Checking cage info...

For this particular style ladder, the minimum possible ladder height is 61.5 inches, and the maximum height is 490". If you enter a number larger or smaller than the min/max, the program will reset to a valid number.
The standard options for materials for this type of ladder are aluminum and steel. If you have special requirements, just click the help button and someone will assist you ASAP!
Railings can be added at any size ladder, with or without a cage. This option adds a section of cage at the top if that option was selected. If you have any questions just click the help button and someone will assist you ASAP!
Up to a certain height (24 - 12" rungs, but not necessarily 24 feet due to ground clearance), your ladder can be ordered without a safety cage. Above that height, a cage is required by law and will be added to the configuration if it is not there already. The oposite is true at very small sizes where a cage is not possible due to head clearance. If you have any questions just click the help button and someone will assist you ASAP!
Use this control to select a bracket to adjust. By selecting, for instance 'R-02', you will be able to see the right-top bracket's current location from the top of the top rung, and with the controls below you can change that location as well as length of the bracket, or even remove the bracket entirely.
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